Singing Guide: Ginny Owens

Singing Guide: Ginny Owens

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ginny Owens is an American singer-songwriter known for her soulful pop and contemporary Christian sound. Her unique vocal technique involves infusing her music with heartfelt emotion, raw power, and a personal touch that inspires and uplifts her listeners. If you're looking to learn singing like Ginny Owens, read on, and discover some of her secrets.

1. Analyze Your Voice

Before starting to sing, it's essential to know your voice's type and range. A vocal range test is the best place to start that process. Singing Carrots provides such an educational tool (link here), which helps you identify your low and high notes, and your vocal tessitura (the range where your voice resonates best).

2. Breathing Basics and Breath Support

Breathing is essential for a singer. Ginny Owens uses active deep breathing to support her voice while singing. If you want to learn how to develop a consistent and supported tone, take the time to practice breathing exercises and make sure you're using your diaphragm (the muscle under your lungs) correctly. Singing Carrots offer breathing tutorials that can help you improve your breath support (link here).

3. Open Mouth & Throat

Ginny Owens explains how opening up the mouth and throat area while singing is essential to getting the full potential of vocal quality and resonance. For a more in-depth understanding, check out her article on "Why to Open Mouth and Throat While Singing" (link here).

4. Warm-Up Exercises

Singing Carrots' pitch training game offers vocal warm-up exercises that can help improve your pitch accuracy and vocal agility. Ginny Owens recommends warming up your voice by singing scales and practicing vocal exercises that focus on specific parts of the voice. You can also try out some of the videos from the resource section.

5. Breathy Vocals

Ginny Owens' signature style involves a breathy vocal technique. In music, breathiness is used to create emotion, dynamism, and tension. Singing Carrots "Pitch-Training Game" has a section dedicated to "Breath Control," where you can practice controlling your breath to create this effect (link here).

6. Chest Voice / Voice Registers

Chest voice is essential for singing like Ginny Owens. Singing Carrots has articles on Voice Registers that explain the concept and how to use it efficiently when singing (link here). Ginny Owens uses the mixed voice technique to ensure that her chest voice and head voice are blended seamlessly for a consistent tone while singing.

7. Vibrato

A vibrato is a slight pitch variation used in singing to enhance a note's character. Ginny Owens is recognized for her smooth and controlled vibrato. In the resources section, you'll find two tutorial videos on how to produce a natural vibrato.

8. Song Recommendation

A song that showcases Ginny Owens' vocal technique and ability is "I Am Nothing." She delivers the message with raw passion and power, all while maintaining a soft edge to the notes.


Learning to sing like Ginny Owens requires practice and perseverance. Be patient as you build your skills and continue working on improving your vocal technique. Also, feel free to check out Singing Carrots' courses, tools and exercises (link here) that can help you in your journey to becoming an excellent singer like Ginny Owens.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.